Facebook & Instagram Ads

Reach A Highly Engaged Audience With Strategic, Targeted Messaging And Effective Visuals. Get Your Brand In Front Of The Largest Social Media Audience With Facebook & Instagram Ads.
Get Started With Facebook/Instagram Ads

Benefits of Facebook/Instagram Ads

With in-depth targeting options, you can reach prospective customers across Facebook & Instagram regardless of where they are in the buying cycle. Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns can be tailored based on your specific advertising goals and objectives, which include brand exposure, conversions and leads, increased sales and more. These ads work especially well for products that are targeted to a very specific, very niche audience. Facebook & Instagram are the largest social media channels on the planet with a wide variety of demographics using these platforms. With our strategies, you can reach your target audience effectively.

Facebook is The Most used social network with 2.91 billion monthly active users (2022)

Facebook ads reach 63.7% of all americans

87% of Instagram users claim they have interacted with a brand after seeing an ad on Instagram

Our Facebook Ads Expertise

Our team has years of experience crafting and managing Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns. From building custom and complex target audiences and placements to writing headlines and creating ad graphics that stand out, our team has your Facebook and Instagram campaigns covered. We utilize a data-first approach, analyzing data and performance to craft ongoing strategy points. We also understand the importance of effective landing pages for these campaigns, which is why we also utilize modern design practices to develop landing pages built to convert.
Musimack marketing team talking strategy on the board

How Instagram & Facebook Ad Targeting Works:

The key to successful advertising on Facebook and Instagram is audience targeting. There are several options that we will explore to best achieve your marketing goals:
Location: Target specific locations, from entire countries down to certain zip codes.
Demographics: Target demographics such as age, gender, language, job title, household (married, kids), employment category and more.
Interest-Based: Target users with certain interests. Select from thousands of user interest options, from everything from movies to users' favorite retail stores.
Dynamic Ads/Retargeting: Target users who have previously visited your website. Remarketing is important because it can take multiple brand exposure points to get a user to convert.
Custom Audiences: Target your ideal audiences by importing your customer list into Facebook (ie: email, phone, address) to reach your current customers and promote return business.
Ad Placements: Place ads across Instagram and Facebook on the newsfeed, in stories, in the marketplace, in searches, articles and Instagram explore.

Facebook/Instagram Ad Types:

Image Ads

Image ads are visual ads that display on both Instagram and Facebook in the feed, stories, and more. Along with compelling images, a headline and ad description are also part of the ad design.

Carousel Ads

Carousel ads allow you to show multiple images in one ad. The user can swipe through the images. These ads can be effective for showing off product collections or multiple products at one time. Just like text ads, you also have space for a headline and written copy.

Video Ads

Video ads are similar to image ads, except instead of a static image or a graphic, you can show a video to your potential customers. Videos can be more engaging than a static image, and can be effective for products, services, client testimonials and success stories.
Facebook image ad graphic | Musimack marketing
facebook carousal ad graphic | Musimack Marketing
facebook video ad graphic

Our Facebook/Instagram Ad Process

1. Research

We research both your business and your industry to gain insight for the campaign buildouts. This includes interviewing you, the business owner, for internal data as well as conducting quantitative research on your overall industry.

2. Buildout

After research, we spend time building out the Facebook or Instagram campaigns based on your business goals and our research. This includes setting the strategic ad targeting, the daily budget, ad placements, ad creation and more.

3. Landing Page Creation

Part of our “buildout” phase is landing page design and development. Our team uses modern user experience (UX) practices to craft high-performing landing pages built to convert and increase brand awareness.

4. Launch

After our team builds out the campaigns and landing pages, we launch the account for the world to see.

5. Report & Analyze

After the campaigns run for a month, we begin analyzing the data to look for improvements. We also create in-depth analytics reports each month so you can see the status of the account performance.

6. Ongoing Strategy

We are not a “set it and forget it” marketing agency. Digital campaigns take ongoing strategy to perform at high levels. Our team is monitoring your account multiple times a week, and creates new strategy points on a monthly basis.

Build Landing Pages For Conversion

One of the most important (if not the most important) of any digital ad campaign is the landing pages. An effective landing page needs to be targeted, specific and relevant to the product or service that you are advertising. In fact, major channels like Google and Facebook will charge more for advertising costs if your landing page is not specific to your product or service. Another aspect is making sure that your landing pages are optimized for mobile, providing a good experience to your users. Our team creates custom and specific landing pages for your ad campaigns built to convert, ensuring a great user experience.
custom landing page design mockups | Musimack Marketing
google analytic metric report graphic | Musimack Marketing

Know How your Campaigns Are Performing With In-Depth Reporting

Know exactly how your Facebook & Instagram ads perform with our in-depth monthly reports. Track and compare performance metrics that are most meaningful to your business. We can also schedule monthly calls to go over the reports and strategy points.

Ready To See Real Results With Your Facebook/Instagram Ads?

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