Give your users a seamless and branded experience while they use your website or mobile app
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The Power Of A Good User Experience

Increase your sales by converting your users into loyal customers. More and more companies are realizing the power and importance of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design for their websites and mobile apps. Long gone are the days where you could just throw up a website with some information and a phone number and expect your users to contact you. More people are using and interacting with websites and mobile apps than ever before, which presents a big opportunity for business as well as a competitive challenge. The need to capture users’ attention by offering them a great experience while interacting with their websites or apps, is vital if the goal is to have them take action. It is also important to make a good impression on your users and build brand trust by conveying the right messaging and addressing the user’s needs. 

All this and more is what UX and UI design is engineered to achieve. As the online landscape becomes more competitive, your brand and business can stand out and thrive with a strategic UX/UI strategy.

What is User Experience (UX) Design?

User experience design is centered around your user and their experience in using your website. The goal of good UX design is to guide your users to accomplish a goal or task and make the process of accomplishing that task or goal easy, stress-free, and even enjoyable.
Project Goals: What are the goals and purpose for the project? What problem are we helping users solve?
User Research: Gathering data, both primary and secondary, to create user profiles for the target user for the project.
User Flows: Mapping out how the user will interact with the website or app. We establish objectives for the user, and how we can create a smooth user journey so they can accomplish those objectives.
Messaging and Content Strategy: We work with our content writing teams to craft a messaging strategy for the product. This is based on story brand principles, building trust with the user and empowering them to take action.
Wireframing: This is a “blueprint” for the website or app pages. This process starts with low-fidelity wireframes (in many cases, hand drawn) and evolves into high-fidelity layouts.
Prototyping: Bringing interactivity to our wireframes to create a more lifelike feel and to look for opportunities to improve the user experience.
Testing and iteration: U/X design is an interactive process, meaning that it requires constant testing and changes throughout the design process. We put our mockups and prototypes through a testing process. This can include conducting user testing and gathering feedback.

What is User Interface (UI) Design?

User interface design deals primarily with the look, feel, and branding of your website. The goal of user interface design is to enhance the aesthetic and branding of your website as well as meet modern accessibility standards. UI compliments a strategic UX design in order to create pleasurable and memorable user experiences.
Product Design Systems: Our design team creates a design system, which includes design elements such as typography, colors, graphics, buttons and more. We work along the client’s brand guidelines in order to create a consistent brand experience across all channels.
Mood Boarding: This is where we get inspiration for the look and feel of the website. We create a mood board which helps us find the direction for the website or mobile app.
High-Fidelity Mockups: This follows the U/X wireframing process. Essentially, we build off of the foundations we create in the U/X process and now add the aesthetic design elements to complete the look and feel of the product and make it pixel perfect.
Final Design/Handoff to Developer: After testing, feedback and iterations, we complete the final design, ready to be implemented by our development teams.

Our team uses UX/UI design principles and strategy for marketing websites, ecommerce sites and mobile apps.

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Our Experience in UX/UI design

We don’t just create websites, our team develops strategic solutions for businesses who want to use their website as a revenue generating sales tool. In order to do this effectively, we need to combine data, user research, psychology, and modern design principles to create products that users want to use. With years of experience in website design and development, our team understands how important the proper UX/UI steps are to creating digital products that actually get to work for businesses.

Our Professional UX/UI Design Process

Onboarding and Discovery: At this beginning phase, we learn about the business needs, discuss goals, and develop the scope of the project.
Research & Analysis: We conduct research for the project, which includes industry and user research in order to develop an effective strategy for target users.
Strategy and Planning: We take the goals for the project as well as data and insights from our research to develop a strategy plan for the project. This is where we develop a content and messaging strategy for the project.
Design: The design phase is when we start creating the product. This phase includes wireframing, high-fidelity mockups, prototyping and more. It is an interactive process, meaning we change and edit.
Testing: We test the designs so we can make improvements. This process can include user testing, gathering feedback and more.
Implement & Launch: After the final product is designed, we develop and launch the product.

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Are you ready to take your website to the next level with A professional UX/UI Strategy?

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