YouTube Ads Management

Reach your target audience with visual, engaging ads on YouTube
Get Started With YouTube Ads

Benefits of YouTube Ads

Increasing your brand exposure with YouTube can be accomplished with a well targeted audience. YouTube has become more than just a video streaming platform. Google’s video product has become a versatile channel that acts now as a social media platform, an internet TV provider, and a powerful search engine. With billions of users each month, it can be an optimal place to showcase your business and lead visitors to your website. YouTube Ads is part of the Google Ads ecosystem, so it allows for very specific and granular targeting options - from certain videos and channels, to demographics and interests. This means that you can reach your target audience effectively and grow your brand awareness. YouTube ad strategies can also be a dynamic remarketing tactic, showing ads to users who have previously visited your website and interacted with your brand.

70% of users have Bought a product sometime after seeing a YouTube ad for that said product

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world (meaning your customer base is using it)

50% of marketers currently use YouTube in their marketing strategy (and 71% of marketers are planning on increasing their use of the platform)

Musimack marketing team talking strategy on the board

Our YouTube Ads Expertise

YouTube is complicated and we can help you navigate the intricacies of effective ads. With a wide range of targeting options, depend on our YouTube advertising professionals to craft a custom marketing strategy for your specific target audience. Our team also creates the ad copy, headlines, and graphics used for the ads, and will assist in the direction of video production for effective video ads sure to engage your audience.

How YouTube Ads Work:

YouTube ads are a type of Google Ad that displays on the YouTube ad network. With YouTube ads, you can target YouTube channels, individual videos, and more. A main objective for using YouTube ads is for brand awareness and remarketing strategies, as it can be a great way to have customers interact with your brand. There are multiple ad variations to choose from, including video, static overlay and bumper ads.
With YouTube ads, the primary objectives are getting views, impressions and clicks.
Your ads are charged based on the ad type selected to run. This could be cost-per-view, cost-per-click, or cost per 1,000 impressions.
YouTube ads run on an auction model, where your bid amount determines your ad placement. Winning the bid depends on your targeting and competitors.
Targeting options available for YouTube ads include YouTube channels, certain videos and demographic targeting options.

YouTube Ad Types:

Skippable Video Ads

These ads are a type of video ad that allows users to skip ads after 5 seconds of playing. Skippable ads can show before the start of the video, during the video or after the video.

Non-Skippable Video Ads

These video ads must be watched before a video is played and cannot be skipped. They usually run between 15-20 seconds in length.

Bumper Ads

These ads are short 6-second videos that play before the video starts and are unskippable.

Overlay Ads

These ads are static images/graphics that appear on the bottom 20% of a YouTube video. They also include ad text and a call to action.

Our YouTube Ads Buildout Process

1. Research

We research both your business and your industry to gain insight for the campaign buildouts.  At this step, we also conduct targeting research for the account in order to find optimal placement for the ads (YouTube channels and videos).

2. Buildout

After research, we spend time building out the YouTube campaigns. This includes creation of the ads, setting the initial targeting, starting bids, etc..

3. Landing Page Creation

Part of our “buildout” phase is landing page design and development. Our team uses modern user experience (UX) practices to craft high-performing landing pages built to convert and increase brand awareness.

4. Launch

After our team builds out the campaigns and landing pages, we launch the account for the world to see.

5. Report & Analyze

After the campaigns run for a month, we begin analyzing the data to look for improvements. We also create in-depth metric reports each month so you can see the status of the account performance.

6. Ongoing Strategy

We are not a “set it and forget it” marketing agency. Digital campaigns take ongoing strategy to perform at high levels. Our team is monitoring your account multiple times a week, and creates new strategy points on a monthly basis.

Build Landing Pages For Conversion

One of the most important (if not the most important) of any digital ad campaign is the landing pages. An effective landing page needs to be targeted, specific and relevant to the product or service that you are advertising. In fact, major channels like Google and Facebook will charge more for advertising costs if your landing page is not specific to your product or service. Another aspect is making sure that your landing pages are optimized for mobile, providing a good experience to your users. Our team creates custom and specific landing pages for your ad campaigns built to convert, ensuring a great user experience.
custom landing page design mockups | Musimack Marketing
google analytic metric report graphic | Musimack Marketing

Know How your Campaigns Are Performing With In-Depth Reporting

Know exactly how your Youtube ads perform with our in-depth monthly reports. Track and compare performance metrics that are most meaningful to your business. We can also schedule monthly calls to go over the reports and strategy points.

Ready To See Real Results With Your YouTube Ad Campaigns?

Get Started