Creative Business Website Solutions With WordPress

Take your website to the next level with a powerful website CMS
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Why wordPress?

Stand out from the crowd with a one of a kind website that showcases your products and services. WordPress offers a custom experience that can enhance your business and brand dynamic, using a powerful web platform and content management system (CMS), used by millions of businesses as their web solution. Due to its design flexibility on the front end and secure backend, it is a choice platform for businesses that care about their brand’s growth and scalability. Unlike templated platforms like Wix, Squarespace, Weebly and more, where you are boxed into the design and functionality that those platforms provide, WordPress enables you to customize your user experience.

What We Do for WordPress Development:

Our expert WordPress team loves using the powerful web development platform for our clients because of its ability to create custom website solutions for businesses. With WordPress, we aren’t limited to creating templated-based websites. Instead, we can take custom designs and turn them into a pixel perfect website that looks and functions well across various screen sizes.

As a company, we know WordPress from back to front. This includes the infrastructure, security, speed optimizations, ideal hosting environment, plugins and more. WordPress is powered by a coding language called “PHP” (which requires updates for security purposes) as well as plugins you can hook into your site to accomplish certain functionality. Our team will be able to find and integrate the right plugin solutions to power up your website. Additionally, we also specialize in custom WordPress development, meaning we can make your WordPress website a powerful tool for your business.

From The Design Process To WordPress Development, Our Team Handles The Entire Process

Discovery phase-We learn about your business and goals for your WordPress website.
Research phase-We conduct research into your industry as well as user research in order to create a website that speaks to your target audience.
The Planning Phase-We plan out your website design. This includes having a whiteboard meeting with you to discuss website specifics. We will also discuss messaging and content strategy.
The Design Phase-This process can include wireframes and a high-fidelity mockup of the homepage. We get the design approved by you before going to the development phase.
The Development Phase-This is where we take the design and develop it to become a living website. We build out the website on a development WordPress website.
Testing phase-We will test the development website on different browsers and screen sizes, as well as have a sample group of users navigate the website for testing purposes.
Launch-We launch the website, making it “go live.”

As a company, we work with the top WordPress themes and frameworks in the industry

WordPress Security

Website security is an important aspect of every website and it is a top priority for our team. There are multiple key factors to consider when making a website more secure. Our WordPress experts will optimize your website on both the front and backend with modern security protocols to keep your website and data safe and secure.
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WordPress Site Speed

Website site speed is important for many reasons, including user experience and SEO scores. Users today expect a fast-loading website. If a website has long load time and is lagging, more often than not, your users will leave and go elsewhere. Additionally, a slow website will hurt SEO scores, which could cause your website to rank lower in Google search results. These reasons and more are why our team prioritizes site speed when building out or hosting a WordPress website. We can optimize a new or existing WordPress website to increase its site speed and load times.
A major factor when it comes to website speed is how your website is hosted. Learn more about our managed WordPress hosting, and how that can help increase your website speed.
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Take your website to the next level with an expert WordPress team

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